Hello there! I’m Sid and I’m glad to have you here.
Society loves binning people into ‘boxes’. We’re told to find “our box” and bin ourselves into it so we can point to the box label and say “I’m a doctor/engineer/actor/real-estate agent”. I don’t have a box to jump into, but if I had to find a box and jump inside one, I’d hunt for one labelled “Do-er”. By training and experience, I’m a business guy (MBA) as well as an engineer (electronics, electrical and computer science). Presently I’ve borrowed several quadrillion atoms from the universe, shaped and structured like a human being and am called “Sid”. I’m in San Diego with my lovely wife and our baby boy. I enjoy learning and usually like reading up on stuff that I don’t know (eg: genetic machinery). I also enjoy fitness, motorcycles and partying. I’m also the founder and CEO of Crypteron Inc. and we’re in the cloud security space. And yeah, I have a quirky sense of humor at times.
About this blog
It’s where I intend to put down my thoughts, questions and other musings on anything worthwhile thinking about. Right now it’s a journal for recording many of my technical notes as we’re building cloud/server applications and security products – but I intend to make it more diverse by also jotting down my thoughts on politics, finance, engineering, life, philosophy, physics, sentience, security, automobiles etc. Anything that comes to my mind and when I have the time to write it down. I honestly wish there was a way to dump my thoughts directly into the blog so when I’m having a shower and I’m thinking of, say, “The economics of building planetary scale structures”, the blog post is already ‘typed out’ when I step out of my shower!